Call me crazy but these days I have more Apps in my Iphone for Joey then I do for myself! Yup, you heard me correctly….Apps for the baby, LOL! They come in especially handy while in line at the store, in restaurants, waiting rooms or any other place where Joey may be getting bored or impatient. At first I questioned whether it was a good idea or not. I want him to learn patience, learn to interact with people around us, and to appreciate idle time. I was worried that I may be producing a premature technology zombie, like how you see teenagers crossing a street while texting and not seeing the car that almost hit them or the pole they are about to run into. Then I realized he will most likely become that person anyways, LOL! Its true, kids come out of the womb these days knowing how to work the DVD player!
Anyhoo what I realized was that his short attention span, paired with his love for attention he splits his time between waving, blowing kisses to strangers and playing with my phone. I ask him for the phone back when our food is served, our name gets called or before we make it to the car. I’m trying to draw a line between distraction and interaction and so far it has worked for us.
I’ve have found a lot of fun, free apps, I paid for some more entertaining ones and he seems to be happy with them. His favorite are ones that sing him the ABC’s, 123’s, 3 Little Monkey’s, Itsy Bitsy Spider and classic children’s songs like that. There is a virtual xylophone, and Sprout even has mini episodes the kids can watch. When your searching for Apps for kids or toddlers each comes with a rating so that is helpful. Here are some links that have great suggestions and descriptions for kids Apps! Or do a search of your own in the Itunes store!
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