Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Healthy Kids

On my recent stroll through the isles of our local Whole Foods store I was thinking how much more we as parents pay attention to labels and ingredients more then our parents probably did. I always remember having a ton of sweets, soda and junk on hand as a kid.
It got me thinking of my favorite products for Joey that help me sneak in extra vitamins and I thought I'd share them. Joey is a particularly finicky eater so I have to work hard to make sure he has enough protein, fiber, calcium, and vitamins.
I'd first like to start by sharing a link on a recent study that has proven how a fit and healthy child actually has a better capability of learning, retaining information and being all around mentally smarter.....
Physical Fitness Boosts memory & Brain Function

Probiotics: Not only do probiotics (found in yogurt, some milk and cheese) aid in a healthy digestive system but new studies have shown they help reduce the chances of ear infections, sinusitis, flu and diarrhea. My son just loves the Probugs Organic Kefir for kids............ DanActive is another known brand!

They come in this cool squeeze pouch and pack a whopping 9 grams of protein!

Sign Up to recieve a coupon to try them free!

Fruits and Veggies: Obviously there is no substitute for fresh fruits and veggies however I have found a product that is fun for Joey to drink and is a sneaky way for me to add some servings of fruits and veggies to his diet. Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood is a powder mix formula you add to water that is supposed to offer 3 servings of fruits and veggies in each glass. Only 1 gram of sugar, non dairy, gluten free and has other vitamins like beta carotene, calcium and more. Joey will only drink the fruit kind. They also make a chocolate one to add to milk but I havn't had good reviews on it. Stores that sell it typically have sample packets to try out first.

Visit Their Website for more info

More Fruits:
Also I'm sure you've all seen these cool apple sauce packets that are perfect for on the go and come in a variety of brands and flavors. Be sure to check the nutrition panel, I have found some to contain up to 22 grams of sugar!!! WOW!

Joey also hates fresh fruits ( I know, horrible huh)? so we have found that he will eat freeze dried fruit. Regular dried fruit is a fun way to get them to eat fruits also. Obviously if your kid will eat fresh fruit that is preferable but these are great for on the go also and last long also.

Daily Vitamins and Immunity Boost: You really can't beat the traditional chewy gummy vitamin but for a fun immunity boost our whole family loves Emergen-C. I was so excited to find they have a line for kids and I think its a easy way for kids to get vitamins and a way to boost their immunity. it fizzes like soda and come in great flavors!

Sign up for free samples and coupons!

Lastly, its never too early to instill in our children how important it is to wash their hands!! They make some pretty fun and cool hand soaps now that change colors, foam, and have beads in them!

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