Trust with dirt on its face, Beauty with a cut on its finger, Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with A frog in its pocket. This is the story of my "Wild Angel"
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
In My Head All Day.....
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia TauscheI brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring. ~Liz Armbruster
Food and Blood for Thought
After I had Joey and was trying to lose weight I tried a ton of diets. One in particular was the "blood type diet". Dont ask me if it works because apparently my inability to stick with a diet is much greater then my will to loose weight. Anyhow one thing that stuck with me was the notion that specific blood types thrive off particular foods and in turn, some foods can be harder for certain blood types to digest or metabolize. Since I read about blood types and certain foods I have found it to be true with my family.
As a parent I think this information is helpful when considering ways to fuel our children and what foods may offer the best nutrients to each individual family member.
Obviously a round balanced diet is beneficial to EVERYONE but its interesting information when asking yourself why certain family members prefer different foods. I dont reccommend completely cutting out any type of food unless they are allergic or your Dr says so and take this idea with a grain of salt. I think its a interesting idea to think about though. O
O types do best with a carnivorous diet rich in meat and fish, but cannot digest dairy or wheat well. Vegetables and nuts are recommended for type Os, but legumes should be eaten sparingly.
These food recommendations are in line with Type Os predisposition to stomach and thyroid disorders and “environmentally intolerant” immune systems. Prone to “fight-or-fight” responses, Type Os also thrive on intense physical activity, and should avoid stimulants.
Type A
A types thrive on a vegan diet that is rich in plant foods. Fresh, organic foods including vegetables, grains, beans, tofu, fruit and legumes are recommended. Occasional seafood is the only suggested animal protein food.
The diet for Type As reflects their sensitive immune system and predisposition to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Type As often internalize stress and do best with gentle exercise and a strong sense of community.
Type B
The Type B diet reflects their flexible digestive system and strong immune system. Type Bs can break down fats, animal proteins and carbohydrates without difficulty, so they are able to eat a wide variety of foods, including dairy products.
Grains, beans and legumes, fruit and vegetables are all good choices, while chicken, shellfish and tomatoes should be eliminated from the diet. B Types are often flexible and adaptable to life’s challenges and thrive on both physically and mentally stimulating activities.
Type AB
Those with blood type AB should consume a mixed diet including meat, seafood, dairy, beans, most grains, legumes, and plant foods. Red meat should be avoided, as should any grain products or breads that contain corn or buckwheat. AB’s do best with small meals and may benefit from avoiding the combo of protein and starch in the same meal.
The mixed diet is in keeping with this blood types’ usual resistance to allergies and ABs’ risk for heart disease, anemia and cancer. AB’s do best with a mixture of intense and gentle exercise.
A Great article that explains how blood type effects what we crave.
As a parent I think this information is helpful when considering ways to fuel our children and what foods may offer the best nutrients to each individual family member.
Obviously a round balanced diet is beneficial to EVERYONE but its interesting information when asking yourself why certain family members prefer different foods. I dont reccommend completely cutting out any type of food unless they are allergic or your Dr says so and take this idea with a grain of salt. I think its a interesting idea to think about though. O
O types do best with a carnivorous diet rich in meat and fish, but cannot digest dairy or wheat well. Vegetables and nuts are recommended for type Os, but legumes should be eaten sparingly.
These food recommendations are in line with Type Os predisposition to stomach and thyroid disorders and “environmentally intolerant” immune systems. Prone to “fight-or-fight” responses, Type Os also thrive on intense physical activity, and should avoid stimulants.
Type A
A types thrive on a vegan diet that is rich in plant foods. Fresh, organic foods including vegetables, grains, beans, tofu, fruit and legumes are recommended. Occasional seafood is the only suggested animal protein food.
The diet for Type As reflects their sensitive immune system and predisposition to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Type As often internalize stress and do best with gentle exercise and a strong sense of community.
Type B
The Type B diet reflects their flexible digestive system and strong immune system. Type Bs can break down fats, animal proteins and carbohydrates without difficulty, so they are able to eat a wide variety of foods, including dairy products.
Grains, beans and legumes, fruit and vegetables are all good choices, while chicken, shellfish and tomatoes should be eliminated from the diet. B Types are often flexible and adaptable to life’s challenges and thrive on both physically and mentally stimulating activities.
Type AB
Those with blood type AB should consume a mixed diet including meat, seafood, dairy, beans, most grains, legumes, and plant foods. Red meat should be avoided, as should any grain products or breads that contain corn or buckwheat. AB’s do best with small meals and may benefit from avoiding the combo of protein and starch in the same meal.
The mixed diet is in keeping with this blood types’ usual resistance to allergies and ABs’ risk for heart disease, anemia and cancer. AB’s do best with a mixture of intense and gentle exercise.
A Great article that explains how blood type effects what we crave.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wild Angel Quote of the Week
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. ~Neil Postman, The Disappearance of Childhood (introduction), 1982
A Couple of Firsts....
This past weekend marked the FIRST time I have been really sick since JoJo has been in my life (18 months, thats pretty good) and also the first time JoJo fell completely in love with a toy in a store and HAD to have it. And guess what?.....His Daddy gave in, LOL.
I paid dearly for it on Sunday but am thankful enough to have a husband who is not only sympathetic but willing to run our weekend errands with JoJo in tow so I could rest. One such errand was a trip to Cosco where JoJo fell in love with a set of monster trucks. My husband said he held on to the box fiercely throughout the store chanting "vroom vroom"! He has slept, eat and breathed the trucks since yesterday. "Vrooming" all over the house, up the walls, across the couch and down my legs, LOL.
Today I felt well enough to take JoJo and his truck of choice on a walk. He is such a trooper and I needed some air.
JoJo's new toys took me back to a time when a simple toys could make your whole week new and exciting. For me it was always a new Barbie added to my collection and I could get lost in my imagination for hours. Its fun to see him reach the age of discovery, personal preferences and imagination!
More from our walk....
It started on Saturday, I woke up feeling awful but our family had been given a gift of a box suite at a S.F. Giants game so I sucked it up and went. I felt horrible but would have felt worse missing out. By the end of the night my voice as gone but I had a wonderful time. JoJo made it all the way through the game...just barely, LOL. He really likes crowds and especialy "bay-ball"
I paid dearly for it on Sunday but am thankful enough to have a husband who is not only sympathetic but willing to run our weekend errands with JoJo in tow so I could rest. One such errand was a trip to Cosco where JoJo fell in love with a set of monster trucks. My husband said he held on to the box fiercely throughout the store chanting "vroom vroom"! He has slept, eat and breathed the trucks since yesterday. "Vrooming" all over the house, up the walls, across the couch and down my legs, LOL.
Today I felt well enough to take JoJo and his truck of choice on a walk. He is such a trooper and I needed some air.
JoJo's new toys took me back to a time when a simple toys could make your whole week new and exciting. For me it was always a new Barbie added to my collection and I could get lost in my imagination for hours. Its fun to see him reach the age of discovery, personal preferences and imagination!
More from our walk....
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Little Man
He won't be little very long
so hold him while you can.
In just a year or two or three
he'll be your Little Man,
with blocks to build,
and bugs to catch,
and double-dares to try,
so much to see and feel and do
as days and months fly by.
So take the time to treasure
these precious baby years
as his first tooth,
first word, first step,
become sweet souvenirs.
so hold him while you can.
In just a year or two or three
he'll be your Little Man,
with blocks to build,
and bugs to catch,
and double-dares to try,
so much to see and feel and do
as days and months fly by.
So take the time to treasure
these precious baby years
as his first tooth,
first word, first step,
become sweet souvenirs.
Willem and the Whales (an IWC PSA)
A PSA about commercial whaling told through the eyes of a child.
Not only do I have the pleasure of knowing this sweet little man but as a coastal native I share a love for all things aquatic and a fierce desire to save our animals and resources.If you havnt seen this video please take a moment, it will surely brighten your day. Even though the time to vote has passed the whales still need our help and if your kids are old enough to be inspired by this video encourage them write a letter or draw a picture to send to our president, local representative, or senator.
I think its important to pass on compassion, caring , and awareness of what is going on in our world to our children.
Find out more about the June 21st IWC Vote at , Marine Mammal Conservation Through the Arts.Commercial whaling is unacceptable. On June 21, 2010, the U.S. Delegate to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) plans to vote to suspend the 25-year ban on commercial whaling.
There is still time to make a difference. Sign the NRDC petition and tell President Obama to keep his campaign promise of strengthening the global moratorium on commercial whaling!
NRDC Petiton:
President Obama said it himself: "Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable" -- Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, March 16, 2008.
Share the video! Spread the word! Sign the online petition! Write a letter! Send a fax! Make you voice heard!
1. Write and fax President Obama: President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20500 Fax: (202) 456-2461
2. Write/fax and call your US Representatives and Senators:
To find out the number and address of your Representative :
To find out the number and address of your Senator:
The Capitol (202) 456-1414
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Keepin' It Local
You've read the stickers.....seen the ads "SHOP LOCAL", so I thought I'd compile a list of my favorite places to "Shop Local". Its a good idea wherever you live and aside from putting money back into your local economy its nice to get out there and meet people in your community!
Lil Rockin Rebels
Started in 2008, they have the coolest of kids clothes and also offer a custom alternative diaper cakes and baby gift registry. I love that you don't see their styles in store and their clothes help add to the uniqueness or our Lil Rebels, LOL!
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Monterey, CA. 93940
A very hip, green, and eco-friendly boutique that features everything from designer clothing to housewares and unique gifts. Guilt free shopping!
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Beautiful Jean
If you havn't spotted these beautiful designs by Bonnie then you are missing out. Custom and hand crafted hair bands, clips, earrings, and more made with love. Essential for every wardrobe!
Visit Site for shopping and locations
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Hollister Speedway
Holy Smokes, where do I start? This places rocks.....or ugh races I guess I should say.Go-kart racing for all ages in a safe and fun environment. My friends and I went for my birthday and had a blast. That was 3 months ago and we have been back several times.
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B's Coffee House
188 Country Club Gate Center
Pacific Grove, CA 93950MMMMMM, my lil piece of heaven on earth. I favor the chai tea latte but "B" and his crew have all the traditional flavorings to choose from and a few secret one's up their sleeve. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to a cup of yum!
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Lil Rockin Rebels
Started in 2008, they have the coolest of kids clothes and also offer a custom alternative diaper cakes and baby gift registry. I love that you don't see their styles in store and their clothes help add to the uniqueness or our Lil Rebels, LOL!
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Evolve 108
108 Webster StreetMonterey, CA. 93940
A very hip, green, and eco-friendly boutique that features everything from designer clothing to housewares and unique gifts. Guilt free shopping!
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Beautiful Jean
If you havn't spotted these beautiful designs by Bonnie then you are missing out. Custom and hand crafted hair bands, clips, earrings, and more made with love. Essential for every wardrobe!
Visit Site for shopping and locations
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Hollister Speedway
Holy Smokes, where do I start? This places rocks.....or ugh races I guess I should say.Go-kart racing for all ages in a safe and fun environment. My friends and I went for my birthday and had a blast. That was 3 months ago and we have been back several times.
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B's Coffee House
188 Country Club Gate Center
Pacific Grove, CA 93950MMMMMM, my lil piece of heaven on earth. I favor the chai tea latte but "B" and his crew have all the traditional flavorings to choose from and a few secret one's up their sleeve. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to a cup of yum!
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- Malibu By The Sea
- Monterey, CA, 93940
- Another one of my "happy places"
- Aside from all the "no tanning hype", a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. They cant take away all of our vices. They have spectacular spray tan for a guilt free way to glow and for us traditional tanners they have plenty of beds and the oh so lovely Matrix!
- They are always running some kind of special so be sure to ask!
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- Paris Bakery
- Monterey, CA, 93940
- Honestly I dont know anyone who hasnt had a mild obsession with this place. My favorites are the almond or apple croissants but their selection is wonderfully overwhelming and always fresh. Get their early (I mean EARLY) and you might even get some still warm from the oven!
- Become a FaceBook Fan
Pacific Grove,
shop local,
Yaaay....another recall =(
380,000 Pounds of Deli Meat Recalled
Zemco Industries, a Buffalo, N.Y., establishment, is recalling approximately 380,000 pounds of deli meat products that may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. These products were distributed to delicatessens where they were further processed into sandwiches.
The products subject to recall include:
The problem was discovered as a result of a retail sample collected by the State of Georgia that confirmed positive for Listeria monocytogenes. FSIS has received no reports of illnesses associated with consumption of this product.
FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers.
Consumption of food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, an uncommon but potentially fatal disease. Healthy people rarely contract listeriosis. However, listeriosis can cause high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness and nausea. Listeriosis can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as serious and sometimes fatal infections in those with weakened immune systems, such as infants, the elderly and persons with HIV infection or undergoing chemotherapy. Individuals concerned about an illness should contact a health care provider.
Recommendations For People At Risk For Listeriosis
Zemco Industries, a Buffalo, N.Y., establishment, is recalling approximately 380,000 pounds of deli meat products that may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. These products were distributed to delicatessens where they were further processed into sandwiches.
The products subject to recall include:
- 25.5-pound cases of "Marketside Grab and Go Sandwiches BLACK FOREST HAM With Natural Juices Coated with Caramel Color" with the number 17800 1300.
- 28.49-pound cases of "Marketside Grab and Go Sandwiches HOT HAM, HARD SALAMI, PEPPERONI, SANDWICH PEPPERS" with the number 17803 1300.
- 32.67-pound cases of "Marketside Grab and Go Sandwiches VIRGINIA BRAND HAM With Natural Juices, MADE IN NEW YORK, FULLY COOKED BACON, SANDWICH PICKLES, SANDWICH PEPPERS" with the number 17804 1300.
- 25.5-pound cases of "Marketside Grab and Go Sandwiches ANGUS ROAST BEEF Coated with Caramel Color" with the number 17805 1300.
The problem was discovered as a result of a retail sample collected by the State of Georgia that confirmed positive for Listeria monocytogenes. FSIS has received no reports of illnesses associated with consumption of this product.
FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers.
Consumption of food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, an uncommon but potentially fatal disease. Healthy people rarely contract listeriosis. However, listeriosis can cause high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness and nausea. Listeriosis can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as serious and sometimes fatal infections in those with weakened immune systems, such as infants, the elderly and persons with HIV infection or undergoing chemotherapy. Individuals concerned about an illness should contact a health care provider.
Recommendations For People At Risk For Listeriosis
- Wash hands with warm, soapy water before and after handling raw meat and poultry for at least 20 seconds. Wash cutting boards, dishes and utensils with hot, soapy water. Immediately clean spills.
- Keep raw meat, fish and poultry away from other food that will not be cooked. Use separate cutting boards for raw meat, poultry and egg products and cooked foods.
- Do not eat hot dogs, luncheon meats, bologna or other deli meats unless reheated until steaming hot.
- Do not eat refrigerated pate, meat spreads from a meat counter or smoked seafood found in the refrigerated section of the store. Foods that don't need refrigeration, like canned tuna and canned salmon, are safe to eat. Refrigerate after opening.
- Do not drink raw (unpasteurized) milk and do not eat foods that have unpasteurized milk in them.
- Do not eat salads made in the store such as ham salad, chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad or seafood salad.
- Do not eat soft cheeses such as Feta, queso blanco, queso fresco, Brie, Camembert cheeses, blue-veined cheeses and Panela unless it is labeled as made with pasteurized milk.
- Use precooked or ready-to-eat food as soon as you can.Listeria can grow in the refrigerator. The refrigerator should be 40 °F or lower and the freezer 0 °F or lower. Use an appliance thermometer to check the temperature of your refrigerator.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Fine Day
I love morning time with my baby bear. I had to share this particular picture of JoJo because everyone comments on how much he looks like me but FINALLY I caught him looking just like his Daddy....and kind of like James Dean!
As summer is coming to a end (or just starting considering the nice weather) I try to keep JoJo active and try to think of something new to do each day. Not everyday can be full of carnival rides, petting zoo’s and birthday parties. Its easy to have cheap fun and I have to often remind myself that kids appreciate the simple things. I hope to instill in JoJo that fun isn’t sitting in front of the television or computer and is best with time spent in the company of family and friends.
This morning we took advantage of the free children services at our local library (check with your local library for fun and story times) most offer such. We often get there early to spend some quiet time enjoying all the books.
Today we were joined by his two cousins (the two boys in green) and the library had a special guest from a local organization called Kinderjam…..he loves Miss El.
We take Miss El's class often so JoJo fancies himself the teacher's pet and is often undrefoot......
The boys still had a bit of energy to burn so we filled the rest of the morning blowing bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and a little ruckus!
As summer is coming to a end (or just starting considering the nice weather) I try to keep JoJo active and try to think of something new to do each day. Not everyday can be full of carnival rides, petting zoo’s and birthday parties. Its easy to have cheap fun and I have to often remind myself that kids appreciate the simple things. I hope to instill in JoJo that fun isn’t sitting in front of the television or computer and is best with time spent in the company of family and friends.
This morning we took advantage of the free children services at our local library (check with your local library for fun and story times) most offer such. We often get there early to spend some quiet time enjoying all the books.
Today we were joined by his two cousins (the two boys in green) and the library had a special guest from a local organization called Kinderjam…..he loves Miss El.
We take Miss El's class often so JoJo fancies himself the teacher's pet and is often undrefoot......
The boys still had a bit of energy to burn so we filled the rest of the morning blowing bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and a little ruckus!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Look what I just bought JoJo
How cute is this luggage.?

Its regularly $70 but is on sale for $41
Join Zulilly for free to get sweet deals like this!
Its one of my favorite sample sale websites. A sample sale means the inventory is limited and sales only last 24-72 hours.

Its regularly $70 but is on sale for $41
Join Zulilly for free to get sweet deals like this!
Its one of my favorite sample sale websites. A sample sale means the inventory is limited and sales only last 24-72 hours.
Things I used to take for granted
Once upon a time I could spend a WHOLE day shopping.
Ok let me clarify because I can still spend a whole day shopping but the dynamics of it has done a complete 180.
I USED to cruise into the mall, windows down, listening to my favorite tunes and head straight to star bucks for a relaxing cup of chai or a mocha…..regular milk, extra whip!
I NOW frantically drive around the mall trying to find a close parking space, finger print crusted windows, bumpin the Care Bear count down. I still make a bee line for Starbucks considering I brought the stroller with cup holders…..
“One venti NON FAT, double shot no whip latte please”
Joey :“moo milk, MOOOO”
Cashier : “I’m sorry what does he want”
I’m thinking…..the freaking moo milk, the chocolate milk at his eye level with the cow on the front, come on lady!
I simultaneously hand one to JoJo to drink and one for her to ring up
I pay, put back the moo milk used for ringing up and make my way to the other counter to wait.
Realizing I didn’t get JoJo a pastry, he is pointing to the muffins from his stroller and so I go back in line to purchase whatever it is he wants or suffer the wrath of a muffin-less 1 and a half year old.
And I havn’t even made it all the way inside the mall to do what I came here for. So obviously a coffee is necessary.
Personal Bathroom Time
Once Upon a Time the bathroom was my private spa, my place of peace and mine alone
I USED to spend a hour in the tub, give myself facials, pedi’s, enjoy a shower or spend some time playing with my make-up.
I NOW try to steal a bubble bath but its kinda hard with a JoJo alternating between knocking on the door or sticking his tiny fingers underneath the door and trying to pry it open from the outside and singing “ma ma ma ma ma ma” while I listen to my husband from the other room in front of the t.v. half heartedly say “JoJo leave mommy alone”……as if I can relax over that, LOL.
-Shower are co-showers with JoJo using my bath sponge to clean the walls (fantastic) or else he has his face pressed against the shower door chanting “ma ma ma ma”!
-Make-up…..ha ha ha ha ha. JoJo has used all of my once pristine and expensive make-up brushes as dusters, hair brushes, floor sweepers and whatever else. My eyeshadows are all broken and I try in vain to salvage what I can from them.
Lazy Pool Days
Oh the coveted day off when the sun was shining. Good friends and drinks in the sun!
I USED to shower before I went to the pool, shave my legs, put on my my cutest bikini. I would never think of getting my hair wet, heck I probably didn’t even get in the pool, drink mojito’s and still look pristine when I got home.
I NOW don’t even think of taking a shower before hand, pray my legs are shaven and pick out a bikini JoJo cant easily untie in front of everyone. Not only do I get IN the pool but I’m lucky if I manage to pull my hair up before I hit the water. I make sure we stay hydrated with water and look a wreck on my way home!
Talking On the Phone
Once upon a time I’d spend hours on end gabbing with my girls, laughing and making plans
I USED to share a glass of wine and cig over the phone…..even watch a t.v. show over the phone. Often times it would go dead because we gossiped so much, I’d have to plug it in and call them back ten minutes later.
I NOW am lucky if I even hear my phone let alone find it. If I do get to it before JoJo its my lucky day. The poor caller has approximately 2 minutes to state their business before JoJo feels neglected and tries to climb my leg like a monkey. If they are lucky enough to have called or received a call while he I sleeping they better have good hearing because I am whispering.
-If you’re a parent you know what I am talking about. If your not a parent you might be asking yourself “am I sure I want kids”? Well let me tell you this…..
I havnt laughed so hard as I did while in the dressing room at Macy’s watching my son try to squeeze into a tube top. He thinks everything mommy tries on is amazing and gives me a excuse to spend a hour in the bookstore discovering new books and a even better excuse to stop for ice cream before we leave.
I laughed even harder when I look behind me in the mirror to see JoJo with my bra on or trying to shuffle around my room in my Ugg boots with no pants on or watching him try to rub lotion on. He always thinks mommy smells great and he even lets me pamper him by blow drying his hair and making him look studly.
So I’ve given up my mojito’s…….there is nothing like a sun kissed, pink cheeked baby asleep before you get home to make you feel like a job well done. Nothing like a wet pool kiss and sticky baby arms wrapped around my neck on a hot day. Nothing like the joy of watching your child play under the sun, laughing with no care in the world.
As for the phone……eh I talked on the phone too much anyway. I’d much rather enjoy the day with my baby bear anyways!
I USED to be wild and crazy.....I still am but in different ways. I wouldn't know what to do without him!
My new Pool Partner!
Once upon a time I could spend a WHOLE day shopping.
Ok let me clarify because I can still spend a whole day shopping but the dynamics of it has done a complete 180.
I USED to cruise into the mall, windows down, listening to my favorite tunes and head straight to star bucks for a relaxing cup of chai or a mocha…..regular milk, extra whip!
I NOW frantically drive around the mall trying to find a close parking space, finger print crusted windows, bumpin the Care Bear count down. I still make a bee line for Starbucks considering I brought the stroller with cup holders…..
“One venti NON FAT, double shot no whip latte please”
Joey :“moo milk, MOOOO”
Cashier : “I’m sorry what does he want”
I’m thinking…..the freaking moo milk, the chocolate milk at his eye level with the cow on the front, come on lady!
I simultaneously hand one to JoJo to drink and one for her to ring up
I pay, put back the moo milk used for ringing up and make my way to the other counter to wait.
Realizing I didn’t get JoJo a pastry, he is pointing to the muffins from his stroller and so I go back in line to purchase whatever it is he wants or suffer the wrath of a muffin-less 1 and a half year old.
And I havn’t even made it all the way inside the mall to do what I came here for. So obviously a coffee is necessary.
Personal Bathroom Time
Once Upon a Time the bathroom was my private spa, my place of peace and mine alone
I USED to spend a hour in the tub, give myself facials, pedi’s, enjoy a shower or spend some time playing with my make-up.
I NOW try to steal a bubble bath but its kinda hard with a JoJo alternating between knocking on the door or sticking his tiny fingers underneath the door and trying to pry it open from the outside and singing “ma ma ma ma ma ma” while I listen to my husband from the other room in front of the t.v. half heartedly say “JoJo leave mommy alone”……as if I can relax over that, LOL.
-Shower are co-showers with JoJo using my bath sponge to clean the walls (fantastic) or else he has his face pressed against the shower door chanting “ma ma ma ma”!
-Make-up…..ha ha ha ha ha. JoJo has used all of my once pristine and expensive make-up brushes as dusters, hair brushes, floor sweepers and whatever else. My eyeshadows are all broken and I try in vain to salvage what I can from them.
Lazy Pool Days
Oh the coveted day off when the sun was shining. Good friends and drinks in the sun!
I USED to shower before I went to the pool, shave my legs, put on my my cutest bikini. I would never think of getting my hair wet, heck I probably didn’t even get in the pool, drink mojito’s and still look pristine when I got home.
I NOW don’t even think of taking a shower before hand, pray my legs are shaven and pick out a bikini JoJo cant easily untie in front of everyone. Not only do I get IN the pool but I’m lucky if I manage to pull my hair up before I hit the water. I make sure we stay hydrated with water and look a wreck on my way home!
Talking On the Phone
Once upon a time I’d spend hours on end gabbing with my girls, laughing and making plans
I USED to share a glass of wine and cig over the phone…..even watch a t.v. show over the phone. Often times it would go dead because we gossiped so much, I’d have to plug it in and call them back ten minutes later.
I NOW am lucky if I even hear my phone let alone find it. If I do get to it before JoJo its my lucky day. The poor caller has approximately 2 minutes to state their business before JoJo feels neglected and tries to climb my leg like a monkey. If they are lucky enough to have called or received a call while he I sleeping they better have good hearing because I am whispering.
-If you’re a parent you know what I am talking about. If your not a parent you might be asking yourself “am I sure I want kids”? Well let me tell you this…..
I havnt laughed so hard as I did while in the dressing room at Macy’s watching my son try to squeeze into a tube top. He thinks everything mommy tries on is amazing and gives me a excuse to spend a hour in the bookstore discovering new books and a even better excuse to stop for ice cream before we leave.
I laughed even harder when I look behind me in the mirror to see JoJo with my bra on or trying to shuffle around my room in my Ugg boots with no pants on or watching him try to rub lotion on. He always thinks mommy smells great and he even lets me pamper him by blow drying his hair and making him look studly.
So I’ve given up my mojito’s…….there is nothing like a sun kissed, pink cheeked baby asleep before you get home to make you feel like a job well done. Nothing like a wet pool kiss and sticky baby arms wrapped around my neck on a hot day. Nothing like the joy of watching your child play under the sun, laughing with no care in the world.
As for the phone……eh I talked on the phone too much anyway. I’d much rather enjoy the day with my baby bear anyways!
I USED to be wild and crazy.....I still am but in different ways. I wouldn't know what to do without him!
My new Pool Partner!
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Lend a Hand
Happy Monday Mom's Dads, and caregivers!
-Teach your child the value of volunteering in your local community. So what if you’ve never volunteered in your life…..start today. You can make it fun, read to old people at the local retirement home or walk dogs for the local shelter. If your child is very young start small by teaching them to pick up litter or trash on the beach and even let them hand the quarter to the homeless man ( as long as he looks safe, LOL). I once saw a father and daughter sitting on a bench waving and blowing kisses to passerby’s, you’d be surprised at how many people were extremely excited by her exuberance. I also once saw a little girl at a fast food joint passing out napkins to every person sitting down and telling them to enjoy their meal!
Teach our kids to be aware and courteous of others, in the words of Gandhi :Be the change you wish to see in the world”
-Teach your child the value of volunteering in your local community. So what if you’ve never volunteered in your life…..start today. You can make it fun, read to old people at the local retirement home or walk dogs for the local shelter. If your child is very young start small by teaching them to pick up litter or trash on the beach and even let them hand the quarter to the homeless man ( as long as he looks safe, LOL). I once saw a father and daughter sitting on a bench waving and blowing kisses to passerby’s, you’d be surprised at how many people were extremely excited by her exuberance. I also once saw a little girl at a fast food joint passing out napkins to every person sitting down and telling them to enjoy their meal!
Teach our kids to be aware and courteous of others, in the words of Gandhi :Be the change you wish to see in the world”
Wild Angel Quote of the Week
I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring. ~Liz Armbruster
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Its Not Just the Eggs........
Kellogs Cereal Recall?
Why hasn't this been in the news as much as the eggs? News was released August 2nd but this is the first I've heard about the Kellogs Cereal recall....
With that said, here are some of my favorite fun and easy breakfast ideas.....
-Eggs in a basket (hoping you have safe eggs). Cut a hole in a piece of bread in the shape of a circle directly in the center of the bread, lightly butter one side. Put the buttered side down in the pan and crack a egg in the hole. wait until the egg is white, flip and cook through. A great way to get kids to eat eggs.
-Simple yogurt, granola and fruit. Let the kids mix in the granola and fruit....its just fun!
-Mix it up, put peanut butter on pancakes or mix it in their oatmeal, jelly on bagels, or use your cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes in toast.
-Fruit Skewers and smoothies
-Green eggs and ham.....put a lil green food coloring in their scrambled eggs!
Why hasn't this been in the news as much as the eggs? News was released August 2nd but this is the first I've heard about the Kellogs Cereal recall....
With that said, here are some of my favorite fun and easy breakfast ideas.....
-Eggs in a basket (hoping you have safe eggs). Cut a hole in a piece of bread in the shape of a circle directly in the center of the bread, lightly butter one side. Put the buttered side down in the pan and crack a egg in the hole. wait until the egg is white, flip and cook through. A great way to get kids to eat eggs.
-Simple yogurt, granola and fruit. Let the kids mix in the granola and fruit....its just fun!
-Mix it up, put peanut butter on pancakes or mix it in their oatmeal, jelly on bagels, or use your cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes in toast.
-Fruit Skewers and smoothies
-Green eggs and ham.....put a lil green food coloring in their scrambled eggs!
Its the little things
-Invent a secret handshake, not only is it super cute but it gives kids another form of bonding with you and can even offer comfort in times of distress. It dosn't have to be complicated, just something for the two of you or the whole family. Don’t forget Eskimo kisses!
-Give your child a spa day, put flower petals and baby oil in the bath, give a mani-pedi, baby massage, blow dry, chocolate facial, and his/her favorite treat! Hey if you have your own spa day do it why not let someone else?
-Make greeting cards for everyone in your family with flower petals, crayons, macaroni, leaves, cupcake liners, stickers….WHATEVER….no holiday needed.
-Let him/her dress up in whatever he or she wants out of mommy and daddy closet then take a trip the the grocery store…..I don’t know why but kids love it!
-bake cookies with your little one for the neighbors, mailman, or other local friends you encounter and make sure your babe gets to hand them out.
-when your little one is napping put some different things in a brown paper bag, close it up and when they are awake ask them to feel/shake and try to guess what it is. Just the discovery of new or surprise things is fun.
-Let him/her help with putting away groceries. Who cares if it takes 30 minutes and your frozen peas are starting to thaw!
-Since JoJo is too young to know that toys come in a happy meal I hid them in my glove box for tough times on the road. We have a basket of toys at his feet that I can grab for but he gets bored of those. This way I always have some new back-ups in my glove box.
-Give your child a spa day, put flower petals and baby oil in the bath, give a mani-pedi, baby massage, blow dry, chocolate facial, and his/her favorite treat! Hey if you have your own spa day do it why not let someone else?
-Make greeting cards for everyone in your family with flower petals, crayons, macaroni, leaves, cupcake liners, stickers….WHATEVER….no holiday needed.
-Let him/her dress up in whatever he or she wants out of mommy and daddy closet then take a trip the the grocery store…..I don’t know why but kids love it!
-bake cookies with your little one for the neighbors, mailman, or other local friends you encounter and make sure your babe gets to hand them out.
-when your little one is napping put some different things in a brown paper bag, close it up and when they are awake ask them to feel/shake and try to guess what it is. Just the discovery of new or surprise things is fun.
-Let him/her help with putting away groceries. Who cares if it takes 30 minutes and your frozen peas are starting to thaw!
-Since JoJo is too young to know that toys come in a happy meal I hid them in my glove box for tough times on the road. We have a basket of toys at his feet that I can grab for but he gets bored of those. This way I always have some new back-ups in my glove box.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Mama Bear
Happy Monday Friends,
I made it through my first long time away from JoJo. I wasn’t away the whole time, I worked several 13 hour days and was home to sleep with him. So needless to say I threw all routine and structure out the window. I let him sleep on my chest all night, we woke up in the middle of the night to watch cartoons until he fell back asleep and we even had a warm bottle! I did have a fleeting thought that I may pay for it later but he was a good boy today and things are back to normal…..ok he only slept on my chest until he fell asleep but I needed it as much as he did, LOL!
Some of you may think (13 hours? Attachment issues) Ya so what. I’m a softie and have never slept away from him. I know the day will come and I take advantage of him being extremely resilient and easy going in hopes that when the time comes he will do just fine. Case in point…..this weekend he was fine…..I was the mess. As I was leaving he had his arms outstretched and was saying “no no no” and it broke my heart but I smiled, waved goodbye and kept reminding myself to be strong for him, to be the example for him and he was just fine. He didn’t even cry for a whole minute “ I know because I stood outside listening trying to compose myself……it didn’t work, I cried the whole way to work but I took confidence in the fact that I left him in the most loving of hands and he would soon be laughing his head off. I wanted to turn around so bad but what would that teach him?
Anyhoo all of this got me thinking of the term “attachment parenting” and I REALLY am a fan of the idea of the confidence attachment parenting brings. I am also extremely thankful that I am able to stay home with him 85% of the time. I truly believe that examples of attachment parenting, ie, baby wearing as infants, co-sleeping, breast feeding, and early skin to skin touch lays such a strong foundation for the children. I our society pushes our children into being grown-up so fast that we may be inadvertently laying groundwork for insecurities and need to rely on our motherly instincts and not so much what “they say”.
And when I say motherly instincts I mean my instincts as well as the instincts of ALL mothers. I respect that we all have different ways of doing things and that is what makes all of our wonderful children unique. But back to attachment parenting I find that it has worked best for JoJo and I ( and by example of a super-mom of a sister in-law) that things like baby wearing and co-sleeping instill a great amount of confidence in a child. And when someone tells me “oh he’ll never get out of your bed” I say that is rubbish because its all in the way you handle it. My reasoning is that nearly every other species on the planet sleeps with their young, why should my son be any different? My niece and nephew transferred easily to their beds and are extremely confident outgoing children. My son gave up his pacifier with no problem, has pee’d in the potty 4 times in the 6 days I have had his potty out and he is only 18 months, and when he wakes up from a nap he dosn’t cry hysterically, he gets out of bed, comes to find me in the house and gives me a hug.
I’m not tooting my own horn here, I am saying that I have followed my instincts in regards to what I have thought is best for my child and it SURPRISE it has proven to be healthy for our family. I want to remind all of you mothers (and fathers) that parents survived on their instincts far longer then we have depended on technology. Animals do it ever minute of their life and we have to make note of that.
So Ferber be damned, your baby dosnt have to cry it out…..unless your instincts are telling you he or she is just being a stinker, LOL.
I made it through my first long time away from JoJo. I wasn’t away the whole time, I worked several 13 hour days and was home to sleep with him. So needless to say I threw all routine and structure out the window. I let him sleep on my chest all night, we woke up in the middle of the night to watch cartoons until he fell back asleep and we even had a warm bottle! I did have a fleeting thought that I may pay for it later but he was a good boy today and things are back to normal…..ok he only slept on my chest until he fell asleep but I needed it as much as he did, LOL!
Some of you may think (13 hours? Attachment issues) Ya so what. I’m a softie and have never slept away from him. I know the day will come and I take advantage of him being extremely resilient and easy going in hopes that when the time comes he will do just fine. Case in point…..this weekend he was fine…..I was the mess. As I was leaving he had his arms outstretched and was saying “no no no” and it broke my heart but I smiled, waved goodbye and kept reminding myself to be strong for him, to be the example for him and he was just fine. He didn’t even cry for a whole minute “ I know because I stood outside listening trying to compose myself……it didn’t work, I cried the whole way to work but I took confidence in the fact that I left him in the most loving of hands and he would soon be laughing his head off. I wanted to turn around so bad but what would that teach him?
Anyhoo all of this got me thinking of the term “attachment parenting” and I REALLY am a fan of the idea of the confidence attachment parenting brings. I am also extremely thankful that I am able to stay home with him 85% of the time. I truly believe that examples of attachment parenting, ie, baby wearing as infants, co-sleeping, breast feeding, and early skin to skin touch lays such a strong foundation for the children. I our society pushes our children into being grown-up so fast that we may be inadvertently laying groundwork for insecurities and need to rely on our motherly instincts and not so much what “they say”.
And when I say motherly instincts I mean my instincts as well as the instincts of ALL mothers. I respect that we all have different ways of doing things and that is what makes all of our wonderful children unique. But back to attachment parenting I find that it has worked best for JoJo and I ( and by example of a super-mom of a sister in-law) that things like baby wearing and co-sleeping instill a great amount of confidence in a child. And when someone tells me “oh he’ll never get out of your bed” I say that is rubbish because its all in the way you handle it. My reasoning is that nearly every other species on the planet sleeps with their young, why should my son be any different? My niece and nephew transferred easily to their beds and are extremely confident outgoing children. My son gave up his pacifier with no problem, has pee’d in the potty 4 times in the 6 days I have had his potty out and he is only 18 months, and when he wakes up from a nap he dosn’t cry hysterically, he gets out of bed, comes to find me in the house and gives me a hug.
I’m not tooting my own horn here, I am saying that I have followed my instincts in regards to what I have thought is best for my child and it SURPRISE it has proven to be healthy for our family. I want to remind all of you mothers (and fathers) that parents survived on their instincts far longer then we have depended on technology. Animals do it ever minute of their life and we have to make note of that.
So Ferber be damned, your baby dosnt have to cry it out…..unless your instincts are telling you he or she is just being a stinker, LOL.
Wild Angel Quote of the Week
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tausche
Friday, August 13, 2010
5 minutes from a toddler, LOL
- I grab a chair and a magazine for myself. A pot of dirt and hand shovel for JoJo and head outside to catch some sun. Who cares if he makes a mess! If your going for longer bust out the pool and let him play in it with the dirt and no water!
-I give him my brush, some clippies and let him make a mess of my hair. I sit on the floor in front of the couch so he can reach. This is handy if your trying to catch up on your shows
-If it’s a really good show I have been known to give him a marker and let him color on my leg…..ya ya I know its not teaching good habits but he really gets a kick out of it! Just make sure you dont wear shorts for a couple of days, LOL
-give him/her a magazine to flip through, who cares if its Cosmo! They like looking at something they dont typically get to.
-open the sock drawer and let em at it. It sounds boring to you but is a riot for toddlers!
-Find a cardboard box…..a BIG one and let your little one dive into adventure with it!
-I like to get a sheet of stickers and put them on JoJo’s belly, up his sleeves, up his pant leg and let him have a ball trying to find them all!
- I grab a chair and a magazine for myself. A pot of dirt and hand shovel for JoJo and head outside to catch some sun. Who cares if he makes a mess! If your going for longer bust out the pool and let him play in it with the dirt and no water!
-I give him my brush, some clippies and let him make a mess of my hair. I sit on the floor in front of the couch so he can reach. This is handy if your trying to catch up on your shows
-If it’s a really good show I have been known to give him a marker and let him color on my leg…..ya ya I know its not teaching good habits but he really gets a kick out of it! Just make sure you dont wear shorts for a couple of days, LOL
-give him/her a magazine to flip through, who cares if its Cosmo! They like looking at something they dont typically get to.
-open the sock drawer and let em at it. It sounds boring to you but is a riot for toddlers!
-Find a cardboard box…..a BIG one and let your little one dive into adventure with it!
-I like to get a sheet of stickers and put them on JoJo’s belly, up his sleeves, up his pant leg and let him have a ball trying to find them all!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Kids do as we do....not as we say
I recently came across the article regarding ways to help children be optimistic and is definitely worth checking out!
Also last week I read about “children’s rights” and things adults take for granted in children. It listed things like how adults tickle random kid without asking (you wouldn’t do that to a adult or “gasp” a teenager), talking in baby talk (who actually likes to be talked to like that)?, and how things that are considered common courtesy to adults is not applied to children. It got me thinking of ways that I can be courteous to my child and other children.
These are some handy tricks I have found to help me with JoJo, hopefully they might work for you too!
-For example when I was pregnant I saw two small children playing, one yanked a toy out of the other kids hand and his mother reprimanded him for grabbing. It then occurred to me that most adults do just that….. if a child has something they aren’t supposed to have (even if they don’t know they are not supposed to have it) we tend to just grab it from them. So I then vowed to always ask JoJo for things and 90% of the time he is happy to hand it over. If he refuses I tell him “I have to take that from you” and do so but I always give him the opportunity to hand it over himself.
-Which brings me to “please” and “thank you”. I do my best to always say “please” and “thank you” and at 18 months I am proud to say JoJo does very well with both. His “thank you” sounds more like “tink too” but I know what he means, LOL! If he whines for something I remind him to not cry but to just say please.
- I didn’t make this one up but I intend on employing it as he gets older. Remember that dreaded “because I said so” from your parents? Ugh nothing makes you feel less adult then that. Growing up I had a neighbor who instead of saying “because I said so” would say “because I love you”. So if her kids wanted to go play at the park after dark and would whine “aaw but why not mom, there are other kids there” she would just smile and say “because I love you”. Its less argument and the first time I heard her say that I whipped my head around like “huh”? and thought “aw man how can you argue with that”? LOL
-Also lately JoJo has turned to hitting to show his frustration. I don’t hit him back, I just DON’T. I have been known to hold his arm down however I get down on his level and I give him a hug. Thankfully at this age a mama’s hug is still pretty powerful and he typically gives into it. But I am going to keep using this trick until it stops working! I tell him “no hitting, just hugs” and I ask him what he wants. He migth not understand me and I rarely understand him but I am showing him that I care about what his needs and wants.
I just do my best to put myself in his shoes, I remember often feeling like my feelings didn’t mater and if mom said no then there was no debating it. A lot of the time I just wanted my feelings heard.
I notice with kids older then five who can easily communicate what they want just really want acknowledgement if their feelings. I used to get down to my little brother’s level and try to find out what exactly it was he was upset about, repeat it in my own words so that he knew I understood what it was he wanted and then if it was a viable request I would tell him why instead of just no and try to compromise with him.
I know it sound silly to spell it out but how many times have you seen a mom dragging her kid out of a store by his hand while he is crying and her just yelling “no”! I surely have been guilty of doing that to my little brother and cant say I wont make the mistake with JoJo but I will do my best to acknowledge his feelings first and offer a compromise.
Also last week I read about “children’s rights” and things adults take for granted in children. It listed things like how adults tickle random kid without asking (you wouldn’t do that to a adult or “gasp” a teenager), talking in baby talk (who actually likes to be talked to like that)?, and how things that are considered common courtesy to adults is not applied to children. It got me thinking of ways that I can be courteous to my child and other children.
These are some handy tricks I have found to help me with JoJo, hopefully they might work for you too!
-For example when I was pregnant I saw two small children playing, one yanked a toy out of the other kids hand and his mother reprimanded him for grabbing. It then occurred to me that most adults do just that….. if a child has something they aren’t supposed to have (even if they don’t know they are not supposed to have it) we tend to just grab it from them. So I then vowed to always ask JoJo for things and 90% of the time he is happy to hand it over. If he refuses I tell him “I have to take that from you” and do so but I always give him the opportunity to hand it over himself.
-Which brings me to “please” and “thank you”. I do my best to always say “please” and “thank you” and at 18 months I am proud to say JoJo does very well with both. His “thank you” sounds more like “tink too” but I know what he means, LOL! If he whines for something I remind him to not cry but to just say please.
- I didn’t make this one up but I intend on employing it as he gets older. Remember that dreaded “because I said so” from your parents? Ugh nothing makes you feel less adult then that. Growing up I had a neighbor who instead of saying “because I said so” would say “because I love you”. So if her kids wanted to go play at the park after dark and would whine “aaw but why not mom, there are other kids there” she would just smile and say “because I love you”. Its less argument and the first time I heard her say that I whipped my head around like “huh”? and thought “aw man how can you argue with that”? LOL
-Also lately JoJo has turned to hitting to show his frustration. I don’t hit him back, I just DON’T. I have been known to hold his arm down however I get down on his level and I give him a hug. Thankfully at this age a mama’s hug is still pretty powerful and he typically gives into it. But I am going to keep using this trick until it stops working! I tell him “no hitting, just hugs” and I ask him what he wants. He migth not understand me and I rarely understand him but I am showing him that I care about what his needs and wants.
I just do my best to put myself in his shoes, I remember often feeling like my feelings didn’t mater and if mom said no then there was no debating it. A lot of the time I just wanted my feelings heard.
I notice with kids older then five who can easily communicate what they want just really want acknowledgement if their feelings. I used to get down to my little brother’s level and try to find out what exactly it was he was upset about, repeat it in my own words so that he knew I understood what it was he wanted and then if it was a viable request I would tell him why instead of just no and try to compromise with him.
I know it sound silly to spell it out but how many times have you seen a mom dragging her kid out of a store by his hand while he is crying and her just yelling “no”! I surely have been guilty of doing that to my little brother and cant say I wont make the mistake with JoJo but I will do my best to acknowledge his feelings first and offer a compromise.
bad kids,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Glimpse of the Sun!
What is that I see? Is that the sun? I know they say we have a indian summer but this is crazy. Just incase this weekend is the start of our summer I thought I’d remind myself and some of you what fun good weather can bring!
-pitch a tent and camp out in your back yard, make smores and tell scary stories or read some out of a book. (Did any of you read “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” when you were young? Heck even if its too cold to stay out all night just getting away from the t.v. and doing something as a family is fun!
-While your out there, see if you can catch a glimpse of some stars. Nothing like laying on the grass, cuddled up looking for a shooting star. Who cares if you don’t find one!
-Outside hide and seek with the whole family
-make a fort….outside or inside!
-if your really brave how about a big mud puddle and a good ole water balloon fight?
If you plan on staying inside……
-remember how cool that old school popcorn was to make. The kind that popped on the oven and got bigger and bigger. I know it sounds silly but I can bet most of our kids have never seen it and would get a kick out of it!
-They still sell puff paint at your local craft store…..every kid needs a puff paint shirt….shoes, and hat, LOL
-What about those cool color posters that are like 3x5 feet? I used to love taking on that project, pick one up at the craft store when you go buy puff paint, LOL. Oh don’t forget the sidewalk chalk while your there!
-make some cookies from scratch, There is so much even a young child can help out with….rolling out the dough, picking cookie cutters and shaking the sprinkles! Plus kids look so cute covered in flour!
AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE…….make something simple for dinner (we like shredded pork tenderloin sandwiches with honey mustard) to pack up like a picnic, blanket and all and head down to your local park or spot of grass to people watch, let the kids run around and have a outdoor dinner! Even the front or back yard will do!
The point I am trying to make is try to make everyday special. Childhood is so magical and it goes by so fast. I know we are all hard working parents and we may be tired but in our house we say “if we are going to be tired what we might as well do something fun”!
-pitch a tent and camp out in your back yard, make smores and tell scary stories or read some out of a book. (Did any of you read “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” when you were young? Heck even if its too cold to stay out all night just getting away from the t.v. and doing something as a family is fun!
-While your out there, see if you can catch a glimpse of some stars. Nothing like laying on the grass, cuddled up looking for a shooting star. Who cares if you don’t find one!
-Outside hide and seek with the whole family
-make a fort….outside or inside!
-if your really brave how about a big mud puddle and a good ole water balloon fight?
If you plan on staying inside……
-remember how cool that old school popcorn was to make. The kind that popped on the oven and got bigger and bigger. I know it sounds silly but I can bet most of our kids have never seen it and would get a kick out of it!
-They still sell puff paint at your local craft store…..every kid needs a puff paint shirt….shoes, and hat, LOL
-What about those cool color posters that are like 3x5 feet? I used to love taking on that project, pick one up at the craft store when you go buy puff paint, LOL. Oh don’t forget the sidewalk chalk while your there!
-make some cookies from scratch, There is so much even a young child can help out with….rolling out the dough, picking cookie cutters and shaking the sprinkles! Plus kids look so cute covered in flour!
AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE…….make something simple for dinner (we like shredded pork tenderloin sandwiches with honey mustard) to pack up like a picnic, blanket and all and head down to your local park or spot of grass to people watch, let the kids run around and have a outdoor dinner! Even the front or back yard will do!
The point I am trying to make is try to make everyday special. Childhood is so magical and it goes by so fast. I know we are all hard working parents and we may be tired but in our house we say “if we are going to be tired what we might as well do something fun”!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Wild Angel quote of the Week
A three year old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm. ~Bill Vaughan
Woo Hoo for Pee Pee, LOL!
JoJo is only 18 months, dosn’t mind having a soiled diaper, cannot pull his own pants down or up yet and aside from being to young to start potty training, he has shown no interest in it. I do however notice that he dosn’t seem to pee in the tub or shower because as soon as I take him out of either he immediately goes pee on my bathroom floor. A couple of times I have picked him up in mid pee, held him over the potty and said “pee pee in the potty”, he laughs and on we go. I have never gotten upset because he dosnt know better and is too young to control it. He recently has started showing a extreme interest in J.R.’s and my business in the bathroom and even goes as far to try to hand me toilet paper, LOL!
So today I busted out the potty training toilet for JoJo with NO intention of starting training yet. My idea was to get him used to having it in the bathroom, then to see if I could get him to sit on it and eventually get him to try it out bare bottomed.
When he saw it he was immediately interested in it, checking it out, trying to climb on it and whatnot. So I told him “that’s JoJo’s potty, you go potty in there” and was going ot leave it at that. A minute later he made a stinky in his diaper so I cleaned him up and was getting us ready for the shower as he ran around nakey. Next thing I know, I turn around and he is peeing in…..ok in, on, and around his own toilet! I was shocked…..100% shocked and SO proud! I may have scared him BUT I had a dum dum lollipop right there just incase and whipped it out immediately for him!
How silly I am to text and call every friend and family member, LOL! But everyone seemed just as excited. So I’m not going to push it. I don’t think he knows to recognize the sensation of peeing, I just think he was trying really hard and got lucky….but who knows, maybe he will be easy to train.
I plan on getting him a Elmo potty book, maybe letting him run around naked in the morning and grandma gave us some M&M’s to keep handy in the bathroom!
Woo Hoo…..maybe I should come up with a pee-pee victory dance!
So today I busted out the potty training toilet for JoJo with NO intention of starting training yet. My idea was to get him used to having it in the bathroom, then to see if I could get him to sit on it and eventually get him to try it out bare bottomed.
When he saw it he was immediately interested in it, checking it out, trying to climb on it and whatnot. So I told him “that’s JoJo’s potty, you go potty in there” and was going ot leave it at that. A minute later he made a stinky in his diaper so I cleaned him up and was getting us ready for the shower as he ran around nakey. Next thing I know, I turn around and he is peeing in…..ok in, on, and around his own toilet! I was shocked…..100% shocked and SO proud! I may have scared him BUT I had a dum dum lollipop right there just incase and whipped it out immediately for him!
How silly I am to text and call every friend and family member, LOL! But everyone seemed just as excited. So I’m not going to push it. I don’t think he knows to recognize the sensation of peeing, I just think he was trying really hard and got lucky….but who knows, maybe he will be easy to train.
I plan on getting him a Elmo potty book, maybe letting him run around naked in the morning and grandma gave us some M&M’s to keep handy in the bathroom!
Woo Hoo…..maybe I should come up with a pee-pee victory dance!
Iphone Apps for Kids!
Call me crazy but these days I have more Apps in my Iphone for Joey then I do for myself! Yup, you heard me correctly….Apps for the baby, LOL! They come in especially handy while in line at the store, in restaurants, waiting rooms or any other place where Joey may be getting bored or impatient. At first I questioned whether it was a good idea or not. I want him to learn patience, learn to interact with people around us, and to appreciate idle time. I was worried that I may be producing a premature technology zombie, like how you see teenagers crossing a street while texting and not seeing the car that almost hit them or the pole they are about to run into. Then I realized he will most likely become that person anyways, LOL! Its true, kids come out of the womb these days knowing how to work the DVD player!
Anyhoo what I realized was that his short attention span, paired with his love for attention he splits his time between waving, blowing kisses to strangers and playing with my phone. I ask him for the phone back when our food is served, our name gets called or before we make it to the car. I’m trying to draw a line between distraction and interaction and so far it has worked for us.
I’ve have found a lot of fun, free apps, I paid for some more entertaining ones and he seems to be happy with them. His favorite are ones that sing him the ABC’s, 123’s, 3 Little Monkey’s, Itsy Bitsy Spider and classic children’s songs like that. There is a virtual xylophone, and Sprout even has mini episodes the kids can watch. When your searching for Apps for kids or toddlers each comes with a rating so that is helpful. Here are some links that have great suggestions and descriptions for kids Apps! Or do a search of your own in the Itunes store!
Anyhoo what I realized was that his short attention span, paired with his love for attention he splits his time between waving, blowing kisses to strangers and playing with my phone. I ask him for the phone back when our food is served, our name gets called or before we make it to the car. I’m trying to draw a line between distraction and interaction and so far it has worked for us.
I’ve have found a lot of fun, free apps, I paid for some more entertaining ones and he seems to be happy with them. His favorite are ones that sing him the ABC’s, 123’s, 3 Little Monkey’s, Itsy Bitsy Spider and classic children’s songs like that. There is a virtual xylophone, and Sprout even has mini episodes the kids can watch. When your searching for Apps for kids or toddlers each comes with a rating so that is helpful. Here are some links that have great suggestions and descriptions for kids Apps! Or do a search of your own in the Itunes store!
Monday, August 9, 2010
A couple of years ago I was watching The View and they had a proffessional football player on their show. I cant remember his name but I do remember he offered up some great tips that I have had stuck in my head for sometime now that I plan on applying to my child as he gets older. It was specifically in regards to teaching kids how to be respectful of others, namely wait staff and people who wait on us. They made it fun and rewarding for the kids while teaching manners and how to respect people for example at a restaurant…
-After the server had greeted them the one of the parents would the kids ask a question pertaining to a physical attribute about the server such as their eye color, whether she had on earrings, the color of her nails, color oh her hair, her name if she had a name badge on but they kept it fairly easy.
The point of this is that the kids were challenged to see the waitress as a actual person, to take him/her in and make eye contact. He explained that too often we order with our heads buried in our menu and hardly pay any mind to the wait staff. If you ever been a waitress or waiter you’ll know its now very nice.
If the kids answered correctly they got a $2 added to their meal budget or free dessert.
-Meal budget? What? Ugh…..I know that sounds stingy but let me explain. The kids weren’t on a LOW budget per say but what the parents would do is give the kids a spending limit for each restaurant. They were fairly generous so as not to starve the kids but the reason for this was to teach the kids the value of money. If they got a $10 budget they got to keep whatever was left over. Suprisingly this taught the kids to eat healthier, consider different things on the menu, maybe opt for the healthier choice of water or milk over soda, salad over fries and even share dessert or pick a dessert from home after wards. So for example if the kids only spent $7, they got $3 to take home. And to point out the obvious they got to work out their math skills!
-Lastly as a rare and fun activity (remember he is a football player who makes good money) they would tell the children to look around the restaurant and pick out the neediest family who looked like they could use a free dinner or just a pick me up. The parents would then pay that families meal. To them it wasn’t about the money, it was about having their children be aware and sympathetic to the people in their community. Sometimes it was a couple who looked worn out with a newborn crying baby. Sometimes it was a lonely old man who looked in need of some TLC, and sometimes it was just a family who looked like they didn’t have a lot of money.
I was inspired that this football player found a way to instill good manners in his children while having fun. It makes me be creative and think of ways to do the same for my child. Sure I have sometime until I get to do this with JoJo….he’s still a bit young to be put on a budget, LOL!
-After the server had greeted them the one of the parents would the kids ask a question pertaining to a physical attribute about the server such as their eye color, whether she had on earrings, the color of her nails, color oh her hair, her name if she had a name badge on but they kept it fairly easy.
The point of this is that the kids were challenged to see the waitress as a actual person, to take him/her in and make eye contact. He explained that too often we order with our heads buried in our menu and hardly pay any mind to the wait staff. If you ever been a waitress or waiter you’ll know its now very nice.
If the kids answered correctly they got a $2 added to their meal budget or free dessert.
-Meal budget? What? Ugh…..I know that sounds stingy but let me explain. The kids weren’t on a LOW budget per say but what the parents would do is give the kids a spending limit for each restaurant. They were fairly generous so as not to starve the kids but the reason for this was to teach the kids the value of money. If they got a $10 budget they got to keep whatever was left over. Suprisingly this taught the kids to eat healthier, consider different things on the menu, maybe opt for the healthier choice of water or milk over soda, salad over fries and even share dessert or pick a dessert from home after wards. So for example if the kids only spent $7, they got $3 to take home. And to point out the obvious they got to work out their math skills!
-Lastly as a rare and fun activity (remember he is a football player who makes good money) they would tell the children to look around the restaurant and pick out the neediest family who looked like they could use a free dinner or just a pick me up. The parents would then pay that families meal. To them it wasn’t about the money, it was about having their children be aware and sympathetic to the people in their community. Sometimes it was a couple who looked worn out with a newborn crying baby. Sometimes it was a lonely old man who looked in need of some TLC, and sometimes it was just a family who looked like they didn’t have a lot of money.
I was inspired that this football player found a way to instill good manners in his children while having fun. It makes me be creative and think of ways to do the same for my child. Sure I have sometime until I get to do this with JoJo….he’s still a bit young to be put on a budget, LOL!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Everyday is a Circus!
JoJo never fails to keep me on my toes. Whether its laughing at one of his silly antics or wincing at one of his goofs life is never dull with him. Today he had a whole bag of tricks he’d never used before.
First I’ll start by saying that I have been doing my best to tame my mutterings in the car when I am frustrated (if you havn’t started censoring yourself, start now, LOL) and I have settled on “JUST GO” instead of other colorful phrases. Most of the time he is in the back seat chanting “Go Go Go” and waving his little fists like a mad man!
Anyhoo, today we are strolling through the grocery store when I come to one of those inevitable near collisions with another shopper. I come to a halt and with a smile I offer the other shopper the right of way as I say “oh go ahead”. Joey’s head whips around to face the shopper, he raises his fist and yells at him furiously “You Go Go Go”!……oh dear! Thankfully he is still small enough that everything he does is super cute to the general public and I was left not knowing whether to laugh or shoosh him. So I guess its true, its not what you say, its how you say it.
Fast forward a hour later, we are in the toy section of the local department store, JoJo is running ahead checking out the toys and I see him and another child practically dive for the same toy. Joey gets to it first but since I had no intention of buying it I tell Joey to share the toy with the other kid which he is usually great about……not today. He smiles his coy little smile and starts to hand over the toy. As the kid goes to grab it JoJo recoils his arm and says “haaaaa haaaaaa no”. I think to myself, ‘I’ve never teased him like that, he is just being silly”, so again I ask JoJo to hand over the toy……only for the first scenario to replay not one, but two times. I tell JoJo “ I am taking this from you“, I hand it to the child and we move on with no thankfully fuss. Later at home as I am retelling the story to my husband he laughs at the story and in the same taunting manner he says “Haaaaa Haaaaa” which starts a chorus of “haaa haa’s” from JoJo. Well at least I know where he gets it from……oy vey!
Oh we are not done yet….he saved the best for last. Our last stop is Macy’s. As we are within 100 feet from the exit I say a little “oh thank you” that we made it through the store with no breakdowns, tantrums, or minor theft on his part, that is aside from the faint smell of ”you know what” coming from his pants. So here I am, holding his little hand, looking through my purse for my keys and I hear a woman gasp and I look up to see this sweet old lady, red cheeked and staring at Joey. She sputters out “he just goosed me” and now I am the one red cheeked already spitting out apologies and she continues “Oh he really got me, he took a whole handful”. I couldn’t say I as sorry enough and thankfully it ended with her smiling and consoling me but sheesh, what a day!
You know when I was pregnant my husband I and I used to laugh that we couldn’t wait to embarrass our child when he got older. I think that maybe Joey was listening and was plotting against us the whole time!
First I’ll start by saying that I have been doing my best to tame my mutterings in the car when I am frustrated (if you havn’t started censoring yourself, start now, LOL) and I have settled on “JUST GO” instead of other colorful phrases. Most of the time he is in the back seat chanting “Go Go Go” and waving his little fists like a mad man!
Anyhoo, today we are strolling through the grocery store when I come to one of those inevitable near collisions with another shopper. I come to a halt and with a smile I offer the other shopper the right of way as I say “oh go ahead”. Joey’s head whips around to face the shopper, he raises his fist and yells at him furiously “You Go Go Go”!……oh dear! Thankfully he is still small enough that everything he does is super cute to the general public and I was left not knowing whether to laugh or shoosh him. So I guess its true, its not what you say, its how you say it.
Fast forward a hour later, we are in the toy section of the local department store, JoJo is running ahead checking out the toys and I see him and another child practically dive for the same toy. Joey gets to it first but since I had no intention of buying it I tell Joey to share the toy with the other kid which he is usually great about……not today. He smiles his coy little smile and starts to hand over the toy. As the kid goes to grab it JoJo recoils his arm and says “haaaaa haaaaaa no”. I think to myself, ‘I’ve never teased him like that, he is just being silly”, so again I ask JoJo to hand over the toy……only for the first scenario to replay not one, but two times. I tell JoJo “ I am taking this from you“, I hand it to the child and we move on with no thankfully fuss. Later at home as I am retelling the story to my husband he laughs at the story and in the same taunting manner he says “Haaaaa Haaaaa” which starts a chorus of “haaa haa’s” from JoJo. Well at least I know where he gets it from……oy vey!
Oh we are not done yet….he saved the best for last. Our last stop is Macy’s. As we are within 100 feet from the exit I say a little “oh thank you” that we made it through the store with no breakdowns, tantrums, or minor theft on his part, that is aside from the faint smell of ”you know what” coming from his pants. So here I am, holding his little hand, looking through my purse for my keys and I hear a woman gasp and I look up to see this sweet old lady, red cheeked and staring at Joey. She sputters out “he just goosed me” and now I am the one red cheeked already spitting out apologies and she continues “Oh he really got me, he took a whole handful”. I couldn’t say I as sorry enough and thankfully it ended with her smiling and consoling me but sheesh, what a day!
You know when I was pregnant my husband I and I used to laugh that we couldn’t wait to embarrass our child when he got older. I think that maybe Joey was listening and was plotting against us the whole time!
Fun....Not in the Sun?
So apparently the nation is facing a coast to coast heat wave…..all but where I live of course. Stuck in the fog and in mid 60’s my hopes of filling the plastic pool with water so Joey can splash around while I laze in the sun is a fading dream. In May I thought ‘oh summer is almost here”, in June I kept hearing people refer to the weather as “June Gloom”, in July I kept reminding myself that we get a Indian summer in this part of the state and now its August I am quite confused.
Needless to say I have needed to use a bit of creativity to keep him occupied and it has made me reflect upon what used to be fun to me as a child. So here are a few things that Joey has found to be enjoyable!
-A trip to the local pets or feed store. He loves looking at the fishies, birds, and other animals they have. Just be sure to keep little baby fingers out of the mouths of strange dogs, LOL
-How about your local library or bookstore? I hadn’t been to the local library since I was in high school. If your library is like mine they usually have a separate area or entire room for kids so if he or she is a bit loud its ok! While you are there look into weekly story times for babies and toddlers. I started taking Joey when he was very tiny, even though he didn’t pay much attention to the story teller he loved watching the other kids!
Here are some links to our local libraries.....
-Bundle that baby up if need be and take a trip to a local park area to have a picnic. Just getting outside will make you feel like less of a recluse plus the air and wind will tire him or her out. If he/she is a walker they can run around, scream and get some energy out. If he/she is less mobile you’ll find that grass is something very new and interesting to them. Don’t forget to make daisy chains while you are there!
Also teach them to smell the flowers, Joey has been sniffing flowers since he was a wee lil babe and it cracks me up! Don’t forget the camera!
-If you have a toddler who is walking or older take a walk and let him/her lead you where they want to go…..aside from the middle of the street! Its fun for them to get to choose the path and interesting to see where they go. I remember the first time we embarked on JoJo’s maiden route choosing voyage and he stood on the middle of the sidewalk looking at me like “mom what are we doing”?
-JoJo’s favorite is our nature bracelets! I just get a piece of clear duct tape, wrap it around our wrists inside out and pick flower petals, blades of grass, pine needles or whatnot and stick it to the tape! It keeps him busy for quite a while and its very interesting the first time they try to stick a bug to it!
-Also take this time to visit your local YMCA, rec center, or other facilities to see what kinds of programs they may offer to you and your babe. In the past couple of months we have taken swim class, messy art play, gymnastics, and a fun dance class.
-Dont forget to make a indoor fort, sure it may get knocked down 10 times in your efforts but isnt that half the fun? Get all the stuffed animals in the house and cuddle up. Naturally a pillow fight is to follow!
-Lastly and JoJo’s FAVORITE activity is to crank up the music and dance dance dance. He sure is amazed at his mama’s sweet moves and laughs so hard he gets the hiccups! We only do this of course when daddy is at work… wouldn’t be as cute for daddy to laugh so hard he got the hiccups, LOL!
As for now I’m going to go off and do a sun dance…..ya Ive never heard of one either but if they can have a rain dance I guess I can do my best to make up a sun dance! I’m sure JoJo will be happy to help out!
Needless to say I have needed to use a bit of creativity to keep him occupied and it has made me reflect upon what used to be fun to me as a child. So here are a few things that Joey has found to be enjoyable!
-A trip to the local pets or feed store. He loves looking at the fishies, birds, and other animals they have. Just be sure to keep little baby fingers out of the mouths of strange dogs, LOL
-How about your local library or bookstore? I hadn’t been to the local library since I was in high school. If your library is like mine they usually have a separate area or entire room for kids so if he or she is a bit loud its ok! While you are there look into weekly story times for babies and toddlers. I started taking Joey when he was very tiny, even though he didn’t pay much attention to the story teller he loved watching the other kids!
Here are some links to our local libraries.....
-Bundle that baby up if need be and take a trip to a local park area to have a picnic. Just getting outside will make you feel like less of a recluse plus the air and wind will tire him or her out. If he/she is a walker they can run around, scream and get some energy out. If he/she is less mobile you’ll find that grass is something very new and interesting to them. Don’t forget to make daisy chains while you are there!
Also teach them to smell the flowers, Joey has been sniffing flowers since he was a wee lil babe and it cracks me up! Don’t forget the camera!
-If you have a toddler who is walking or older take a walk and let him/her lead you where they want to go…..aside from the middle of the street! Its fun for them to get to choose the path and interesting to see where they go. I remember the first time we embarked on JoJo’s maiden route choosing voyage and he stood on the middle of the sidewalk looking at me like “mom what are we doing”?
-JoJo’s favorite is our nature bracelets! I just get a piece of clear duct tape, wrap it around our wrists inside out and pick flower petals, blades of grass, pine needles or whatnot and stick it to the tape! It keeps him busy for quite a while and its very interesting the first time they try to stick a bug to it!
-Also take this time to visit your local YMCA, rec center, or other facilities to see what kinds of programs they may offer to you and your babe. In the past couple of months we have taken swim class, messy art play, gymnastics, and a fun dance class.
-Dont forget to make a indoor fort, sure it may get knocked down 10 times in your efforts but isnt that half the fun? Get all the stuffed animals in the house and cuddle up. Naturally a pillow fight is to follow!
-Lastly and JoJo’s FAVORITE activity is to crank up the music and dance dance dance. He sure is amazed at his mama’s sweet moves and laughs so hard he gets the hiccups! We only do this of course when daddy is at work… wouldn’t be as cute for daddy to laugh so hard he got the hiccups, LOL!
As for now I’m going to go off and do a sun dance…..ya Ive never heard of one either but if they can have a rain dance I guess I can do my best to make up a sun dance! I’m sure JoJo will be happy to help out!
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